Saturday, July 23, 2016

Everred de Film (The Netherlands)

Date: June - July 2016

 Everred de Film (The Netherlands)



- Movie Tagline

- Website Copy 
1. Story Brief
2. Characters
3. About Joseph Black
4. Cast and Crew Bios (In Progress)

- Publicity Writings (Narratives and Poetry)

Why I Wrote What I Wrote:

Everred de Film is a short film of the surrealistic drama/ arthouse genres that will be filmed in August by a dear friend Joseph Black, and I am pleased to be part of the publicity efforts. My first creative commercial project, the challenge was creating texts that would enhance visuals that have yet to be created. A project that I enjoyed immensely, and I look forward to more collaborations as such. See below for some screenshots of the website or visit Everred de Film's website for the latest updates.

Status: Phase I completed; Phase II in progress

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Date: July 2016


Agency: Up On A Tree


Copywriting & Copyediting:

- Website Copy

- Social Media Announcement

Why I Wrote What I Wrote:

A new business direction warrants a new website copy; did a rewrite of corporate information sections (About Us, Vision, Mission, The Gearaholic Guarantee) and an edit of Q&A sections (Privacy Policy, Returns & Refunds, Shipping & Delivery, Guarantees & Warranties).

Status: Completed